Voyager Academy Elementary School

4210 Ben Franklin Blvd
Durham, NC 27704
Phone: +1 919.433.3301 ext. 4
Fax: +1 919.471.3932

Voyager Academy

At Voyager Academy, students participate in deep learning through authentic project based learning (PBL) experiences. Within these projects, students engage in inquiry to answer and solve complex questions and real world problems or challenges. PBL allows our students to develop 21st century skills including collaboration, communication, and critical thinking while creating high-quality, authentic products and presentations.

SCHOOL MISSION: To provide students in Kindergarten through grade twelve an adacemically challenging and supportive learning environment. Staff utilize experiential and traditional learning strategies so that students become responsible, engaged, innovative members of society. The school’s expectation is that all students, working with dedicated faculty and family, wil excel academically and socially.


  • School Size: 414 Students in Grades K-3
  • Grade Size: 104 Students per Grade Level
  • Class Size: 21 Students in Average Core Class
  • Responsive Classrooms: This is a student-centered, social and emotional learning approach to teaching and discipline.
  • Project Based Learning: Projects take many forms and vary in scope and time.
  • Learning Environment: Each student has the opportunity to experience core courses in reading, writing and math.


Our children and families have looked to us for strength and assistance and we have worked to answer that call. Join us.